Sunday, May 1, 2011

No More Sushi

For someone who wants something other than sushi, restaurants have a variety of other things to eat. Most restaurants will have tempura vegetables, tempura soft shell crab, gyoza (also known as potsickers), calamari, and edamame.

As mentioned in a previous post, tempura means that something has been battered and deep fried. As a result, the outside will be crunchy while the inside is usually soft and slightly chewy.

Gyoza is usually deep fried or pan fried and contains a mixture of  vegetables and meat.

Calamari is squid that has been battered and deep fried, and is usually seasoned with salt and black pepper.

Edamame is soybean that has been boiled and may be salted. When eating edamame, it is important to note that the outside cannot be eaten. In order to eat them, pop the soybeans out of the pods.

While looking at other blogs, I found a fantastic blog that has even more information about sushi. Take a look here

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